Assalamualaikum...Hi Guys,
Bersyukur kepada ALLAH S.W.T atas nikmat kehidupan yang diberikan dan selawat serta salam kepada junjungan besar Muhammad S.A.W...
Berminat untuk berkongsi celiter mengenai pembinaan gereja terbesar di asia yang dalam proses pembinaan dan terletak di bukit jalil berhampiran dengan stadium naional bukit jalil.aku macam percaya dengan fakta ini yela mungkin sebab mind set aku masa usha berita/isu ini ialah ketika malaysia sebuah negara islam dan bagi aku tak perlulah sampai nk membenarkan agama lain membina tempat ibadah sebegitu besar.sudahlah negara kita sekarang terus 'dihurung' dengan fahaman kotor yang dibawa bagi melalaikan rakyat malaysia terutamanya yang beragama islam agar terus lalai dibuai arus kesenangan.
Konsep 3F (Fun, Fashion, Food) terus menghantui rakyat malaysia hasil dari proses hegemoni barat yang telah mula bertapak di negara kita sjak dari era pentadbiran british di Pulau pinang lagi.
nk gta besarnya gereja tue!!!! |
Auditoriumnya memuatkan 5,000 kerusi untuk kegiatan pendidikan dan latihan Kristian khusus untuk golongan muda di Malaysia.Untuk apa semua ini??sedangkan kegiatan dakwah islam masih terkontang kanting kerajaan mahu pula menggalakkan kegiatan pendidikan kristian khusus untuk golongan MUDA!!!!
"The Calvary Convention Centre (CCC) is a unique convention centre that is dedicated to the pursuit of holistic activities.
These activities include the hosting of international, regional and national conventions, banquets, seminars, musical and creative arts productions, as well as the provision of educational and vocational training, and spiritual development that aims to develop our nation’s young, and people of all ages and from all walks of life into useful and exemplary citizens of Malaysia.
The CCC, when completed, will be a 6-storey multiplex, comprising of a 5,000 seat auditorium and an educational and training annex, with a total built up area of about 600,000 sq. ft. It will have facilities that are unique and dedicated to enhancing the convention and educational requirements.
The CCC is a non-profit project that is being developed by Calvary Church in line with the principles of the Rukun Negara, i.e. to inculcate spiritual values, right morals, good behaviour, social and civil responsibility.
The Calvary Convention Centre when completed will have a total built up area of about 600,000 sq. ft. It will have facilities that are unique and dedicated to enhancing the convention and educational environment"
These activities include the hosting of international, regional and national conventions, banquets, seminars, musical and creative arts productions, as well as the provision of educational and vocational training, and spiritual development that aims to develop our nation’s young, and people of all ages and from all walks of life into useful and exemplary citizens of Malaysia.
The CCC, when completed, will be a 6-storey multiplex, comprising of a 5,000 seat auditorium and an educational and training annex, with a total built up area of about 600,000 sq. ft. It will have facilities that are unique and dedicated to enhancing the convention and educational requirements.
The CCC is a non-profit project that is being developed by Calvary Church in line with the principles of the Rukun Negara, i.e. to inculcate spiritual values, right morals, good behaviour, social and civil responsibility.
The Calvary Convention Centre when completed will have a total built up area of about 600,000 sq. ft. It will have facilities that are unique and dedicated to enhancing the convention and educational environment"
Harapan aku, pembinaan gereja telah diluluskan dan tak ada apa yang dapat ditahan lagi.Cuma aku harap asbab dari pembinaan gereja ini semangat dakwah di kalangan orang islam di malaysia akan semakin membuak dan semoga islam akan terus menyubur dan sesungguhnya hidayah itu dari ALLAH S.W.T.semoga kita semua mendapat keampunanNYA akibat kelalaian diri kite...:(
ada mata lihat, ada akal fikir..... |
lokasi suspek...jumpa *O* je......huhu3 |
Astaghfirullahalazim...Show all
p/s:just terbayang macam mana r kehidupan anak-anak kita di masa akan datang....:( semoga islam terus bangkit...aminnnn....:)
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